Day 1 : Building a Watchlist and explaining the strategy Jo
Day 2 : $PLTR Trade Idea
Day 3: Buying $HOOD
Day 4: Up 5% on $HOOD
Day 5: Entered $UA Trade

Day 6: Trading In Puerto Rico
Day 7: Introducing Beacon
Day 8: S&P 500 Record Highs
Day 9: Robinhood Makes Moves Into Crypto
Day 10: Roaring Kitty Meows

Day 11: $GME Trade Idea
Day 12: $NIO Trade Entry
Day 13: Taking Profits In $HOOD
Day 14: Stopping Out Of $UA
Day 15: Stopping Out Of Everything

Day 16: No FOMO
Day 17: 6 New Trade Ideas
Day 18: Entering $ACB Trade
Day 19: DXY Tells Us To Stay Out Of The Market
Day 20: "Shoulda, Coulda Woulda"

Day 21: $CCL Hits Target 1
Day 22: Trading Psychology Book Club Week 1|
Day 23: $NKE Earnings Play
Day 24: Adding Day Trades To Our Watchlist
Day 25: Learning From Our Mistakes
Day 26: How Our 4H Candle Strategy Works
Day 27: Why I Am Bullish On $TKO
Day 28: Celebrity MemeCoins
Day 29: Stocks Near Our Entry
Day 30: TheStrat
Day 31: Coaching Program Season 2
Day 32: $SWBI's Funky Chart & Lucky $TKO Entry
Bonus: Using TraderSync To Track My Trades For This Account
Interested In Having Jay As A Trading Coach So That He Can Teach You How He Finds These Trades? Click here to get started!

$500 Account MONTH 1 UPDATE

We are up to $518.10 so far. We have made 11 trades so far, 1 buy and 1 sell for each of the trades, minimal time invest.

We have 4 open trades so far. $CCL we took most of our profits out at target 1. The rest we are still in with our full position.

Thanks to TraderSync I can see that when I Did Not Follow My Stop Loss or Did Not Set A Stop Loss it led to losses. The other mistakes I made didn't result in losses.

It also looks like our Limit Order Buy Strategy has been working better for me so far than the other entry criteria type of plays.

And lastly we can see that I've done better with stocks that are over $10 versus ones that are under $10 in price per share.
Make sure to check out our Free Trading Discord where we update these plays with every buy, sell and thought!!!